Master of Arts in Educational Technology Transcript
CEP 811
FALL 2015
Adapting Innovative Technologies in Education
Instructors: Janine Campbell and Amy Pietrowski
In this course, we applied several theories of learning including constructivism and TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical, Content, Knowledge). We explored a wide range of innovative technologies that can be adapted for use in our context. We experimented with maker culture and repurposed the world around us. In CEP 811, we dug into the foundations of learning, focusing on personalized learning and immediate feedback. We reimagined learning spaces, created an infographic and designed a rubric for creative problem-solving.
CEP 810
FALL 2015
Teaching for Understanding with Technology
Instructors: Kimberly Powell and Emily Stone
CEP 810 was one of the first courses I took in my Master’s program. We studied theories of learning and understanding through the work of Bransford, Brown, and Cocking. We explored professional learning networks using Popplet and Twitter. The integration of technology was a focus as well as the ideas surrounding TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical, Content, Knowledge). We created a networked learning project as a creative use of technology for learning. We also reviewed successful ways to master workflow.
TE 846
Accommodating Differences in Literacy Learners
Instructor: Dr. Sandro Barros
In TE 846, we explored best practices for meeting the needs of all learners in literacy. We reviewed instructional methods and assessment principles that are most effective in the teaching and learning of reading and writing. We designed lesson plans and conducted assessments based on class readings. We also developed and carried out a literacy case study.
CEP 812
Applying Educational Technology to Issues of Practice
Instructor: Alison Keller
For this course we examined the ways that technology can be used to support different problems in education. I worked with a think tank of peers to solve a wicked problem: failure as a learning mode. My group developed what we believe to be a viable solution to this problem. We learned about the importance of balancing your “infodiet” in our age of information. We also conducted a survey on the culture of technology integration in our context.
CEP 822 SUMMER 2016
Approaches to Educational Research
Instructors: Dr. Danah Henriksen and Spencer Greenhalgh
In this class, we looked at researchable problems in education. Much of our focus was on the misconceptions surrounding learning and the way background knowledge impacts student learning. We conducted our own study about misconceptions that kids have about choosing careers in STEM fields. For this study, we conducted interviews, analyzed results, and presented our findings in a video and through the creation of a website.
CEP 815
Technology and Leadership
Instructors: Dr. Danah Henriksen and Spencer Greenhalgh
For this course, we looked at the integration of technology through a leadership lens, focusing on professional development strategies, project management, planning, evaluation, and relationship building. We examined the social and ethical implications of technology integration. One of our leadership tasks was to host a webinar focused on an educational technology concept (Gamification). We also created a Wikibook focused on implementing digital tools in the classroom.
CEP 800
Learning in School and Other Settings
Instructors: Dr. Danah Henriksen and Spencer Greenhalgh
In CEP 800, we examined several aspects of learning, such as how and when it takes place. We reviewed learning theories such as behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism and their implications in learning. We explored scientifically-based approaches of engaging students in the classroom. We created videos to describe the practical implications of these strategies. We also designed a technology based grant proposal for transformative learning using the backwards design model.
CEP 818
FALL 2016
Creativity in Teaching and Learning
Instructors: Cui Cheng and Carmen Richardson
In this course, our focus was on the importance of creativity in education. We focused on the seven cognitive tools presented in Sparks of Genius: The 13 Thinking Tools of the World’s Most Creative People by Robert and Michele Root-Bernstein. They are perceiving, patterning, abstracting/analogizing, embodied thinking, modeling, playing, and synthesizing. We designed student activities based on each of these tools. Throughout this course, I was able to delve deeper into understanding my own creative process and in turn develop lessons and ideas to help nurture creativity in my students.
CEP 813
FALL 2016
Electronic Assessment for Teaching and Learning
Instructors: Colin Gallagher and Spencer Greenhalgh
This course focused on the critical evaluation of different assessment methods. We analyzed several theories of assessment and explored the impact of digital tools in assessment. In this course we created a rubric for designing quality assessments. We also created our own assessments as assessments of learning, assessments for learning, and assessments as learning.
CEP 807
Capstone in Educational Technology
Instructors: Dr. Matthew Koehler, Aric Gaunt, and Spencer Greenhalgh
CEP 807 is the final course in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program at Michigan State University. In this course, I was able to synthesize my experience as a graduate student through the compilation of an electronic portfolio. In this course, I collaborated with peers and used feedback to design a portfolio that showcases who I am as a student, teacher, and technology enthusiast. This course allowed me to reflect on my time spent in the MAET program and to set goals for the future.